Mama cacao poetry-Emily Boucher

Emily holds Sacred Cacao Circles @thehivefarm. She is an incredible artist and space holder. One evening after sitting with cacao the poem came through for her. Here in the picture she is also serving cacao to another sacred love of ours Ambee. You can find out more about Emily and her offerings @FireFoxHealing

Mama Cacao,

Checking in to my heart, Loving awareness

This is where I will start, Moments of presence

I feel your power as soon as I smell you, Hold you

Mama Cacao

She opens my heart, My creations, My art

In circles we share, We listen and give care

To the tender and the pain, No longer do we drain

A give and a take, A cry and a shake

Transmuted and rebooting, Cause we are God, for God’s sake

Don’t you remember? Who you were before the slumber

Before you forgot, Before your birth

You knew your worth, And you carried it forward

Gifts to share with the world, We’re all here for a purpose

To be us and not force shit, To help each other cause it’s worth it

Thank you Mama

For clearing the way, So I can see again

And remember to play, Back to heart center

Fully open I surrender


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